Price Action Vs Trading Indicators The Old Battle Settled

indicator price action

Notice how NIO over a 2-week period experienced many swings. While this is a 5-minute view of NIO, you’ll see the same relationship of price on any time frame. As you perform your analysis, you will notice common percentage moves will appear right on the chart. For example, you may notice that the last 5 moves of a stock were all 5% to 6%.

indicator price action

But notice how price returns to the mean before making the next move higher or lower. Every market regardless of whether it’s stocks, currencies, commodities or something else has a mean. So he’s now supposed to go out and sift through thousands of options to find the one that works?

Signs You’ll Succeed as a Forex Trader

By price action, we mean a form of trading that analyzes price movements only graphically, without any other indicator. This minimalist approach to technical analysis using price action indicators offers many benefits, including improving responsiveness to market movements. When you’ve simplified your trading with price action strategies, you are much more calm and at ease when you analyze the charts. Having many messy looking indicators strewn about your charts can cause stress and increased blood pressure, and this is a very dangerous mental and physical state to put yourself in when analyzing the markets. Emotion and stress are the enemies of trading success, so the more you can do to reduce / eliminate them the better, and trading with price action is a huge step in the right direction.

  • The image above is typical of what price action traders will be looking at when analyzing the market for potential entries into trades.
  • Additionally, you can set up an alarm to notify you when new sweeps or raids occur.
  • Scalping involves entering and exiting a position quickly to take advantage of small price movements, for whatever a small price move is considered to be for that asset.
  • All economic variables create price movement which can be easily seen on a market’s price chart.

They can range from a simple moving average to a complex array of algorithms. For example, if a price is trading at higher highs and higher lows, this indicates that it’s on an upward trend. If it’s trading at lower highs and lows, it’s trending downwards. Traders can use their knowledge of the sequence of highs and lows to choose an entry point at the lower end of an upward trend, and by setting a stop just before the previous higher low.

#3 – Inside Bars after a Breakout

During a downtrend, traders will look to short when the RSI moves above 70 and drops below. Other price action signals are typically used to confirm these signals. Always be aware of the objectives of your trading style and what you are trying to accomplish with the indicators. With the tips in this article and the new way of looking at indicators, it should become obvious that indicators are not better or worse than price action trading – it’s the same.

There is also little room for misinterpretations and subjectivity when using indicators. You might wonder how strong a trend is and if volatility is really increasing, but taking a look at your RSI or looking at the Bollinger Bands immediately tells you what price is doing. Indicators are tools you use to analyze price information and they, as the name suggests, indicate certain aspects about a chart situation. But before you start thinking I’ve been hypocritical up to this point, let me explain what I use and why.

PRIME* Outside Bar Pro

In forex or stock (things that are traded only on weekdays), TradingView’s [dayofweek.Friday] does not include the latest bars till Monday so the Day Separator cannot fill that space. Because TradingView deals with those bars as Sunday’s ones so I set the color of Sunday the same as Friday for good UI/UX. Indicators are great tools if a trader understands their true purpose. Of course, you can just look at price action and get an idea for momentum or volatility, but indicators take out the guesswork and make information processing much faster and easier. If you want to identify potential, high probability trade scenarios, you must learn to listen to what the price charts tell you.

Bottom line, you shouldn’t expect stocks to all of a sudden double or triple the size of their previous swings. The setup consists of a major gap up or down in the morning, followed by a significant push, which then retreats. This chart of NIO is truly unique because the stock had a breakout after the fourth or fifth attempt at busting the high. Then there were inside bars that refused to give back any of the breakout gains. Notice how the previous low was never completely breached, but you could tell from the price action that the stock reversed nicely off the low.

Price action trading patterns

It’s essential for traders to approach the topic with an open mind, understand the pros and cons of each approach, and choose their tools wisely. Indicators save time by focusing on specific chart aspects, like momentum, helping traders process data quickly and with less subjectivity. The top and bottom lines are standard deviations of about +/- 2 while the middle line follows a 20-day Simple Moving Average. If the price becomes volatile, the bands will expand to signify this. Similarly, if the price reduces in volatility, the bands would compress as well.

It’s because everything you need to know is right in front of you. The only difference is we go from not knowing anything about indicators to not caring much about them. They become a distraction and a nuisance rather than an advantage or a benefit. But somewhere along the way, we get frustrated enough to purge our charts of the clutter. With this in mind, I use the area between the 10 and 20 EMAs as the mean during a trend. Financial markets are just the visual representation of what happens when math and psychology collide.

It’s not something you can just pick up and start doing right away. Secondly, you have no one else to blame for getting caught in a trap. Don’t bother emailing the guru with the proprietary trade signal that had you on the wrong side of the market. Price action traders are the Zen traders in the active trading world.

Once a trader can stop using indicators as signal-tools, he will be able to transform his trading to new heights. If price action trading is the study of price movements, price action trend trading is the study of trends. Traders can make use of a number of trading techniques to spot and follow price action trends such as the head and shoulders trade reversal.

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